Caricature Artists

Have our experienced professionals perform for your next corporate event, company picnic, or trade show. Caricature drawings are popular with guests of all ages. These keepsakes provide a lifetime of memories. Personalized pre-drawings can be created to fit your theme or emphasis your products. Your logo/slogan or event name and date can also be included.

"The caricature artists were great and the employees greatly enjoyed having them."
- Ulteig

"Thanks! Jack and Jackie did an AWESOME job again! I'm glad we can count on the artists to be good representatives for our company!"
- Xcel Energy

"Thank you very much for supplying us with such great artists for our event on Monday night! Thanks again and we’ll keep you in mind for our future events!"
- Dynamic Communities, Inc. | AXUG, CRMUG, GPUG, NAVUG



For condensed information about our company, please download our brochure.

Caricature Artists are represented by
Talent Productions
CALL TOLL FREE 877-365-0081


Member since 1992