Keynote Topics

Laughter approach to healthful living
In today's rapidly changing world, people have so many roles, rules and duties they sometimes lose their smiles.  Humor and a few good laughs along the way can no longer be perceived as frivolous, but rather as essential for a healthy, wealthy and wise life-style. 
On the job, humor can help solve differences, lighten office tension, reduce stress, and advance teamwork.

Humor puts things in perspective and even bolsters the immune system.  This workshop will show you ways to use humor to increase creativity, enhance relationships, foster new learning, and promote wellbeing.  Laughter and learning guaranteed.

Great Expectations...a light-hearted look at change
Change, along with death and taxes, is inevitable-and almost as disagreeable.  Psychologists tell us that change is our greatest source of stress, yet recent studies reveal that our response to change is more important than the actual number or severity of challenges.

Some people and organizations seem to be able to adapt to change better than others.  In this high-content, high-energy session, learn how our response to change affects creativity, the ability to problem solve, and even physical wellness.  Learn who thrives, how they overcome change barriers and the powerful strategies they use to weather even imposed change with grace.
Accentuate the Positive/Eliminate the Negative
Is your work reality worse than a Dilbert cartoon?  Negativity is toxic to teamwork, productivity, and physical health.  Globalization, rapid change and increasing competition can cause tension and stress.  The productive organization is one where people like coming to work and enjoy working with each other.  However, a positive work climate doesn't just happen.  It takes awareness, appropriate strategies and practice.  Many people spend more times on the job with their co-workers than they do with their own family.  In this workshop you will learn the secrets of good climate control and techniques to bring out the optimist in yourself and others.  Learn how to manage the negative while encouraging the positive so your work is more productive, meaningful and enjoyable.

Wisdom, Wellness, and Whimsy... Secrets from the fountain of youth
To a large extent, we can choose to age poorly or to age well.  Aging need not be helpless and hopeless.  In fact, exciting new research reveals that the lifestyle choices we make now are more important than heredity in determining our future health, vitality, and mental acuity.  Learn the characteristics of those who survive and thrive and how to avoid feeling washed up and over the hill.  Discover the five keys to healthy aging and specific activities, brain enhancing exercises, and life-style habits that will help us keep our wits about us...well into the future.

Resilience Rx...rebound, regroup, renew!
How do some people walk between raindrops, leap tall buildings in a single bound, and confront any challenge while emerging unscarred and unscathed?  Is there some magic formula to a stress-free life?  In survey after survey, Americans identify stress as their number one health concern.  Stress is responsible for more visits to health care facilities than any other reason.  It damages the immune system, strains relationships, and has been found to shrink the part of the brain responsible for forming complex memories.  You may not be able to change or control the events in your life, but you can have great control over your physical and emotional responses.  This workshop gives you specific strategies to help you make lemonade out of your life's lemons.

Goal Posts...adventures in living and the rules of travel
It's hard to know the difference between the fear that protects you and the fear that just gets in the way-that fear which makes you think you're in danger when you're just pressing past complacency.
What's on your life list?  Feeling mired in the mundane with no time or energy to play the piano, or travel to exotic locations?  In this workshop we show you the steps to setting and achieving goals and what the researchers have discovered about happiness and the ability to find "flow."
Therapeutic Juggling and Other Prescription Toys
The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times have recently written enthusiastically about the bottom line benefits of play.  Juggling and the use of other health-enhancing toys is being used by business, educational, and human service organizations to increase innovation, encourage out-of-the-box thinking, reduce stress and help learn the fine art of balancing multiple responsibilities.  Play that involves multi-senses pumps our neurons and  boosts the ability to learn and adapt quickly to changing circumstances.  In this workshop, participants will learn how play can act as a catalyst to spark creative problem solving and awaken the magic within.

*Laurie and Kay have earned ten gold medals in international joggling (running and juggling at the same time) competitions and were awarded the 1996 Excellence in Education Award given by the International JugglerOs Association.
Team Works!
Does your group play well with others...or are they more likely to run with scissors?  The ability to effectively work and play with others is perhaps the most important of life skills.  Too often a lack of connection, communication, and a sense of control makes for a difficult work environment.  Effective teamwork builds bridges and helps to create healthier individuals and organizations.  This workshop uses unique and fun techniques to increase communication and encourage teamwork and cooperation.

Getting to Know You
When people respond with irritation, withdraw into silence, or are insensitive to their co-workers or customers, the workplace becomes stressful for everyone. Good communication boosts morale, increases problem solving, improves efficiency and creates a climate where people enjoy coming to work. We offer two trainings designed to improve communication.

Communication 101
Whether you are offering a service, selling products, or tending to people's needs, relationships are at the heart of effective organizations. This training offers deceptively simple yet extremely powerful strategies designed to help people make good communication a habit.

True Colors® and Insight Learning® Personality Profile Systems
Ever wonder why a co-worker's organizational style drives you nuts, while another fits you like a glove? Why Mary would have been a better choice to manage that new project than Sue, even though on paper they are equally well qualified? How about when your significant other always says to-MAH-to while you say to-MAT-to? We are certified in two systems that translate complicated personality theory into practical information we can all understand. Building on the personality profiles developed by Carl Jung, Myers Briggs, David Keirsey and others, these profiles offer entertaining, easy-to-use, brain compatible tools that help you understand your personality and appreciate the unique gifts offered by others% u2014a win-win for everyone.

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